Secrets of School Success Part 1

If you haven't been serious about your children's education, now it's time to do so. 

Here is the question: Why do some students succeed in school and others struggle? 

The answer lies in the student’s attitude towards learning both at home and school. 

Learning begins at home and parents are a child’s first teachers. In one sense all children are home schooled, even those who attend school. 

With that in mind, here are 2 ways that parents and other educators can help children become academic achievers.

1. Implant a love of learning
Not surprisingly, research shows little correlation between IQ, economic status, a privileged childhood, or even preschool and later academic success. 

The most influential factor in children’s academic success was parents who instill the love of learning early on. Learning is rooted in curiosity. 

Kids are naturally curious and from early infancy onward, parents, as teachers, act as facilitators, guiding those curious, exploring hands and eyes towards interesting objects. This doesn’t necessarily mean lots of educational toys. 

Babies learn a lot riding in a baby sling, where they can be in all of the conversations and see the world near adult eye level. 

Learning tools for toddlers can be as simple as a kitchen drawer or cupboard for the pots and pans, paper towel rolls, and plastic dishes that the child is allowed to play with. Basic balls and blocks are also great toys for stimulating and satisfying curiosity.

2. Foster Free Play
Let children play, for this is how they learn. While one-on-one time with parents are certainly important to facilitate early learning be sure to give your toddler and older child ample time alone to simply mess around with toys and safely explore the environment. 

Preschool children do not need to have every minute of the day filled with one planned activity or one lesson after another. Childproof your home and allow your child to take reasonable risks. 

Don’t constantly supervise your child by adult warnings such as “Be careful” and “Don’t Touch.” Learning usually involve some risk-taking.

Go to Secret of School Success Part 2 for more information.

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