22 Steps for Single Parents to Get and Keep Joy in Life


A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Make your life a thing of beauty.

1. Take the time to do those things you feel are important for you.

2. Cultivate the capacity for change, for it is the key to enjoying your life.

3. Believe that your future will be an enjoyable one.  Say this each day, “Everyday and every way, I’m getting stronger, better, and more efficient.” and then make it so.

4. Turn your problems into stepping stones that would help you reach your goals.

5. Spend some time regularly with books, ideas, and music.  They are mind lifters.

6. Don't wait for a certain time to be happy, or until you have obtained something you want.  Be happy today, while you can.

7. Strive to discover your true talents and abilities.  Then develop them as much as possible.

8. Try to save more of your income in the coming years, if is at all possible.

9. To remain unhappy indefinitely is abnormal.  Chronic unhappiness is an illness of the mind.

10. Make each morning when you wake a new beginning – – a new opportunity to make each day a good day.

11. Happiness comes from within.  It is a learned habit of enjoying not necessarily the big things in life, but all of the little things.

12. Faith in yourself and in a higher power can work miracles of love, happiness, and peace of mind in your life.

13. Life produces for you just what you believe about yourself.

14. You will never be lonely if you show people that you care about them.

15. To achieve a more enjoyable life.  Start with yourself.  Don't expect people of the world to change, to suit your desires and needs.  You, yourself, must change.

16. Learn how to relax.  It is far easier to enjoy yourself if you know how to relax.

17. Don’t live in the past or in the future. Be as happy as you can during each day, as it comes.

18. Fall in love with the joy of learning.  Become a continuous learner, for even a lifetime cannot scratch the surface of all the interesting things to learn.

19. Smile and the world will smile with and back at you.

20. The world steps aside for the men or women who know where they are going.

21. Laughter does wonder for you. It is healthy because it increases your heart rate and circulation.

22. Use humor to relieve boredom.

Click here  For 21 More Steps to Get and Keep Joy In Your Life

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