21 More Steps to Get and Keep Joy in Your Life


  1. Write little notes, memos, and reminders to yourself that help you stay organized and do better work.
  2.  Learn to think ahead more.  It is one of the most valuable tools for happy and successful living.
  3.  Listen to the signals of your body.  When you body tires, it lets you know this with a variety of clues. Delaying the rest you need may bring on an illness.
  4.  Vacations help you mentally and physically.  They provide you with different sights, activities, and things to think about.  Don't skip them.
  5.  Vary the place where you eat from day to day.  This adds interest and variety to your day.
  6. Browse, at least once a month, for an hour or so in a good bookstore, 
  7. Whenever you are disappointed about something, flash your minds back to those times and occasions when you were victorious.
  8. When loneliness threatens to engulf you, remember that you remain in control.  The resources to snap out of loneliness (and the blues) are within you.
  9. You can overcome loneliness by keeping busy and active.
  10. To dream, to learn, to think, to work, and to laugh forms a sound philosophy of life.
  11. Promise yourself to look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
  12. Choose a form of exercise you can enjoy.  Then exercise that way regularly. 
  13. Take five minutes now and then to daydream about your hopes, interests, goals, and activities.
  14. Study how others have found the time to do a lot and achieve a great deal.
  15. Take time to play.  It is the secret of perpetual youth. 
  16. Check into the flea markets in your area.  They are relaxing, fun, and informative.
  17. Do something creative even if you only give thirty minutes or so to it.
  18. For the sake of variety, get up and go to bed at a different hour than you usually do. 
  19. Reading can keep before you the vision of the ideal, prevent you from being lonely, and open a whole world of enjoyment to you.  If you can read, you are already rich.
  20. Make a list of the things you enjoy.  Then add to your list continually.  This increases your pleasure-consciousness.  And pleasure neutralizes pain.
  21. Get and maintain enough recreational outlets in your life.

      Your Comments?  What would you  add to this list?

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