Single Parent Guide to Raising a Mentally Healthy Child

A mentally healthy child, as well as a physically healthy child is what all parents desire. 

As a single parent, it is a challenge that requires you to fully use your abilities, energy, and resources to develop a physically healthy child. 

Your child needs to eat the right foods, get the proper rest, and have time for exercise and active play. 

But how do you raise a mentally healthy child?

Despite often inconsistent and ineffective parenting, the good news is that most children grow up and exhibit the range of expected mentally healthy behaviors. Somehow the child receives enough love, attention and discipline to achieve emotional balance. 

In addition to this, between the family, the extended family, teachers, coaches, and even neighbors, the child finds at least one role model in an effort to discover what it means to be an adult man or woman. However, inconsistent and ineffective parenting along with a bad neighborhood can be risk factors for a mentally unhealthy child and may lead a youngster to engage in unlawful or self-destructive behavior.

What You Can Do as a Single Parent
The challenge is to continue to improve the quality of your parenting and, if you are in a bad neighborhood environment, to reduce or mitigate the impact of the neighborhood on your child.  

Consider this as a parent because it may pertain to you and you can be instrumental in bringing this into existence. A parenting group which offers information and mutual support can be very beneficial. Parents often have to be engaged where they naturally come together or where they can be drawn together for the benefit of their children. 

Parents who have children in day care or Head Start programs can be engaged on the site; parents who have youngsters in park district programs can be engaged on the site; churches can reserve space and engage parents on the site; and even public schools can make the schools  parent-friendly and strongly promote parent-teacher cooperation.

Once a parenting group is established, notifications can be placed in the local grocery store, the local laundromat, the local restaurant, the local gas station, the local drug store, and the local libraries in an effort to gain the parents' attention and participation. 

As parents begin attending a informative, productive, and stimulating group, word of mouth will keep the group growing and increasing in importance and ultimately having a positive impact on the neighborhood.

Take Your Role Seriously
It is important to take the role of being a parent seriously and consider these parenting resources carefully if you are becoming stressed out. 

Without each generation succeeding each other by bringing into being productive, well-balanced citizens, our world will cease to exist as we know it. It is important give your child a balance of love and discipline and an opportunity to realize his gifts and potential. 

To have a mentally healthy child, be the role model you want your child to emulate, teach the child how to behave in different situations, provide the necessary guidance, have the pleasant conversations, and do fun things together.

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