6 Key Reasons Why Children Misbehave and What to do About It

You need to recognize that the negative behavior accompanying certain stages is just a small part of the total child.

It should not become the main focus nor be pushed into the lime light. Rather, it should be addressed with love, understanding,  and effective discipline.

Now, here are the 6 Key Reasons Why Children Misbehave:

1. Hungry, tired, or sick. At times they misbehave just because they are hungry, tired, or sick.

2. Uninformed about wrong behavior. They were never told that a certain behavior was wrong.

3. Anger. Children may become angry when they don’t get what they want. If you give in to angry demands, your child learns that anger "works" and will continue to use it.

4. Fear. Children may be afraid of many things  (darkness, new people, failing in school, losing their parent's love etc.) Sometimes their actions are misinterpreted as deliberate misbehavior.

5. Jealousy. Children may be jealous of a new baby or a brothers' or sisters' accomplishments. They may use misbehavior to get attention.

6. Hurt. Feelings of hurt or disappointment can linger for a long time. Children may seek revenge against people they feel let them down.

Understanding the cause of misbehavior can help you choose an effective method of changing the behavior

Never give in to  inconsiderate behavior. When you give in to inconsiderate behavior, children tend to repeat the misbehavior. In order to break negative patterns you must learn to discipline effectively. 

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